Sunday, February 18, 2007

Much better day :)

Today is such a better day to be alive lol i really felt like i was dying yesterday, thank got it was only a 24 hour bug because i don't think i could have lasted another day lol.
The kids kept me busy all day my dear daughter decided that she would rip her baby book apart today that mad me sad and angry and now i have to re-do some of the pages that i spent hour and hours on it is scrap booking anyone who scrap books can relate and it's not cheap!! but my friend Katie decided to bring her kids over in the afternoon thank god for the both of us we needed a break so the kids played for an hour or so it was nice to just hang out again with an adult and have the kids play even though they make a mess it is still nice to just sit and relax instead of running after them all the time yay for Katie and her kids :) but other than that we had a normal day we sat around in our pj's for most of the day and ten watched movies and played a normal day in my house is just not normal without fighting and or destroying mommy's stuff lol i am almost getting used to it, my son went through the same thing when he was 2 forgot how it was like till now oh well what can you do?
well anyway i am going to bed i have had a long day and tomorrow i get to go look at more embroideries for Melody's cloth diapers shhhh don't tell Jeff hehe they are so cute though i can't help myself. Have a good night all

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