Thursday, March 1, 2007

I need a break

I have no idea why i decided to quit smoking this week, but am already getting the feeling that i made a mistake picking this week to do it, my kids have been just pushing and pushing my Patience, and things with my husband are getting more and more difficult with being separated, we argue about the dumbest things and i have no idea why. Ohhh this tour stuff sucks!!!!! i am feeling so drained right now emotionally. and it has only been one month tomorrow i still have to go through 5 more months of this HELL. My poor friend Katie has been having to hear about all of this stuff i just feel so bad having to vent to her but i have no one else to talk to about how i am feeling, i would talk to my mom but , she just doesn't understand what i am going through even though she has been through deployments before, she just has the suck it up and deal with attitude which is fine if that works for her but i am more emotional and i can't just suck it up and deal with it. I need to talk about how i am feeling or i will burst.
But whatever not much i can do about the situation, i can only hope that when the weather gets nicer out the kids will start behaving because we can play outside more, but that's not going to be anytime soon, we are in for a snow storm tonight they are saying we might be getting anywhere between 15-20 cm fun fun, at least i only have a sidewalk to shovel, that is if the snowplow doesn't plow my husbands car in, common nice weather. well i guess that is enough venting for now.

2 days smoke free :)

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